
the Department of "Clinical disciplines 2" of the Osh State medical University together with students of the 4th year organized a small program dedicated to the middle East respiratory syndrome— coronavirus.

On February 6 this year, the Department of "Clinical disciplines 2" of the Osh State medical University together with students of the 4th year organized a small program dedicated to the middle East respiratory syndrome— coronavirus. Typical mers symptoms include a high fever, cough, and or shortness of breath. Pneumonia is common, but some people infected with the coronavirus virus show no symptoms. Gastroenterological symptoms, including diarrhea, are also recorded. In severe coronavirus , respiratory arrest may occur, which requires mechanical ventilation of the lungs and support in the intensive care unit. Mortality among people with MERS is approximately 35%, although this estimate may be overstated because mild cases are sometimes overlooked by existing surveillance systems. There is currently no mers-Cov vaccine or specific treatment. Treatment is supportive and depends on the patient's clinical condition.
2017 13:15 12-02-2020



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