
Conducting an open lesson on physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation using interactive teaching methods TBL, CBL and role-playing games.

Conducting an open lesson in physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation using interactive teaching methods TBL, CBL and role-playing games.
Interactive teaching methods have a huge potential for improving professional skills and achieving the goals set by the State Standards of the 3rd generation for the system of higher professional education - to prepare young specialists for future professional activities and independent life.

One of the effective methods of increasing the activity and independence of students is the use of "role-playing games" in teaching.
Role-playing games are aimed at teaching the technique of decision-making, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge gained earlier in practice and gives a developmental effect.

The advantages of "role play" over other pedagogical technologies are that, by imitating situations that are real in the future profession, they develop the ability to work with information, and contribute to the formation of clinical thinking. It gives you the opportunity to learn from your own and others' mistakes, without prejudice to the patient.

Role play at the department "CD 3" - students' improvisation of various roles in situations that a medical worker may face in their future professional activities, imitation of professional activities in an environment as close as possible to the conditions of real life.

We widely use imitation role-playing games in practical lessons on "Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation".

The classrooms are equipped with physiotherapy devices, which makes it possible to organize practical skills in the classroom in a playful way.
208 12:20 14-12-2021



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