
01/15/2022 curators of the department "СD 3" participated in the general meeting of the curators of the IMF Osh State University.

On January 15, 2022, the curators of the faculty "CD 3" participated in a meeting for the curators of all curators of the MMF Osh State University, with the participation of the senior curator Mitalipova A.N. and deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Dzhumaeva L.M., where the following topical issues were discussed:
- "Features of the educational work of the curator of the academic group with foreign students"
- "Measures of punishment of students for violation of the Charter of the IMF. Informing and warning students about the possible consequences."
- "Measures to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus."
At the end of the meeting, the curators exchanged views on working with foreign groups of different courses.
165 12:23 22-01-2022



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