
At the department "CD 3" the chairman of the EMC of the faculty, Ph.D. Keneshbaev B.K. monitoring of demonstrative classes, mutual visits and teaching materials of disciplines was carried out.

На кафедре "КД 3" председателем УМС факультета, к.м.н. Кенешбаевым Б.К. был проведен мониторинг открытых уроков, взаимопосещений и УМК дисциплин. Также были даны рекомендации по улучшению УМК дисциплин кафедры. At the department "CD 3" the chairman of the EMC of the faculty, Ph.D. Keneshbaev B.K. monitoring of demonstrative classes, mutual visits and teaching materials of disciplines was carried out. Recommendations were also given to improve the teaching materials of the disciplines of the department.
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