
Why is the College of International Education Programs called the College of Opportunity?

Why is the College of International Education Programs called the College of Opportunity? These are not just nice words. This is the desire of young people to meet the future and the level of excellent education. Within the walls of CMOS, students receive not only education, but it is here that the foundations of career growth are laid. The university forms the necessary competencies and skills. This is confirmed by the video sketch "CMOS - College of Great Opportunities." He introduces the conditions created at the university and the level of opportunities. The "Translation Studies" department trains translators who speak English, Kyrgyz, Russian, Turkish, German, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, specialists who know the culture of Europe, America and Eastern countries. Having received education from us, students will be able to continue their studies or easily master related specialties. After completing training at CMOS, you can work: 1) in the education system: in private and public educational institutions; 2) in typical courses 3) in translation agencies 4) in international organizations and embassies 5) in the media 6) in travel agencies 7) in domestic and foreign firms of various profiles. The department "Foreign Language" prepares teachers who are fluent in teaching methods, as well as specialists who are well acquainted with the culture and literature of the country of the language being studied. After graduating from college, a graduate can become not only a foreign language teacher, continuing his education, but also work in government agencies, commercial firms and public organizations. In the learning process, modular technologies are used, as well as distance learning technologies, a rating system of education has been introduced. Students have the opportunity to use online or offline speaking classrooms - talking club
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