
International Translator's Day.

International Translator's Day. In honor of the event around the world are : trainings; stocks; press conferences; seminars; round tables; creative meetings. …………………………. The events are dedicated to all representatives of this profession without exception. And it includes dozens of shades. This is the day of representatives of such specialties as linguists-translators of fiction, translators of scientific and technical texts, teachers of foreign languages, film translators, reference translators, etc. Events, on the one hand, focus on these and other professions, increase people's awareness of their role in life. On the other hand, they support and help the specialists themselves in one way or another. Also, the purpose of the celebration is to highlight the problems that translators from all over the world have to face. Students of the CMOS Department of Translation, Oriental Languages also participated in various events dedicated to the Translator's Day.
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