
Active students of the College of International educational programs took an active part in a 5-kilometer march dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

Students of seven groups of the College of International Educational Programs of OSH State University took part in a 5-kilometer hike. The event was held in the military unit 36806 of the city. The march is dedicated to the memory of the exploits of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and is timed to the 80th anniversary The Battle of Stalingrad. During the event, students met with veterans of the Afghan War and the Batken events of 1999-2000. we met and talked. We also watched a short film about the Battle of Stalingrad. Participation of students in the specified event The teacher of the Industrial Pedagogical College, Lieutenant Colonel J. Samidinov and Deputy Director for Educational Work B.Davlyatova under the leadership of N.
205 17:58 03-02-2023



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