
Oychueva Burulgul Rakhmanberdievna 01.02.05 – received a diploma of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty “Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma”.

On September 18, 2023, at a meeting of the academic council of Osh State University, our rector, professor K.G. Kozhebekov helped out the diploma of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences to Oychueva Burulgul Rakhmanberdievna.
Scientific supervisor – Head of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Professor Kurbanaliev Abdikerim Yrysbaevich
Oychueva Burulgul Rakhmanberdievna, the staff and management of the university cordially congratulate you on your success in the field of science. We wish you good health, success in your work, peace and happiness to your family. We hope that you will continue to educate and educate the youth through your hard work in the field of education.
477 03:55 20-09-2023



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