
Meetings with students of International Medical Faculty have started!

Meeting of the Dean’s Office and Professors with 6-th year students took place today on the base of International Medical Faculty to discuss questions regarding the study process. Instructors of all subjects were introduced to students and the course curriculum with indication of place was announced. Students were clearly instructed on the manners within the University, medical institutions and the town. Students were also suggested to follow passport regime rules. Tutors were assigned for graduate students. Dean mentioned in his speech that teaching staff of the faculty consists of professors, associate professors, honored doctors and workers of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, leading English-speaking specialists of local medical institutions. Students filled in documents for creation of the data base with purpose of active cooperation and networking after graduation. Students noted that the new study process and the course curriculum is different from the preceding ones as the new process and the curriculum better meet students’ opinions and expectations. Students also expressed their gratitude to the University management for the special attention and improvement of conditions to acquire quality medical education, namely, for the timely establishment of the new medical faculty with English language of instruction for foreign students and the construction of the new modern campus.
3320 22:35 08-09-2015



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