

On March 20, 2024, geographers-Nizamiev A.G., Akulov A.U., S. Ibraev.A. partners in the scientific and production direction-Professor Kaldybaev N., associate professor Stanbaev U., Arziev N. together with akim of the Uzgen district apbasov The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, conducted by an organizational group headed by Kanybek deputies Ormond U., Satybaldiev E., Plamnov D., Plamen Ch. and KR representatives of ministries and departments of the Kyrgyz Republic at a meeting of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The district development program as a whole was informed about the comprehensive work carried out within the framework of the problems in Kaysyl Ayyl Okmotu and life situations , there were questions and answers. On our part, among the population in the district “Camel” in order to reduce poverty, increase tourism potential , organize a ski resort and ethnic villages, build new irrigation canals, prevent and consequences of landslides in mountainous areas .
216 09:31 29-03-2024



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