

СТИПЕНДИИ ДЛЯ ОБУЧЕНИЯ В ВЕНГРИИ Крайний срок подачи заявок: 15 января 2022 года Дополнительная информация: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/ Найти подходящую программу можно по : https://apply.stipendiumhungaricum.hu/courses/search/ Стипендиальная программа Stipendium Hungaricum была учреждена венгерским правительством для содействия интернационализации венгерского высшего образования и привлечения лучших иностранных студентов со всего мира, которые могут установить личную и профессиональную привязанность к Венгрии, наслаждаясь высококачественным образованием в сердце Европы. Во время обучения в Венгрии студенты также смогут насладиться доступной стоимостью жизни с отличным соотношением выгоды и затрат, безопасной и дружелюбной средой проживания с удобным общественным транспортом, яркой культурной жизнью и несколькими объектами Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Когда выпускники вернутся в свои страны с востребованными на рынке навыками и знаниями, они смогут строить гражданские, политические и экономические отношения, способствуя повышению имиджа и признания Венгрии за рубежом.

Application Deadline: January 15th 2022

For more information: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/

Find a suitable program: https://apply.stipendiumhungaricum.hu/courses/search/

The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme was established by the Hungarian Government to promote the internationalisation of the Hungarian higher education and to attract top foreign students from all around the world who can establish personal and professional attachments to Hungary while enjoying high quality education in the heart of Europe. While studying in Hungary, the students will also enjoy affordable living costs with great benefit-cost ratio, a safe and friendly living environment with convenient public transport, a vibrant cultural life, and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites. When the graduates return to their home countries with marketable skills and knowledge, they can build civil, political and economic relationships, contributing to Hungary's image and recognition abroad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZUf4h3lJJE Benefits – Provisions covered by the scholarship Bachelor's, master's, one-tier master's and non-degree programmes • Tuition-free education - exemption from the payment of tuition fee • Monthly stipend - non-degree, bachelor's, master's and one-tier master's level: monthly amount of HUF 43,700 (cca EUR 120) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies • Accommodation contribution - free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000/month to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period (Please note that if the student does not live in the dormitory, the HUF 40,000/month is a contribution to that rental costs, and in bigger cities - especially in the capital city -this contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.) • Medical insurance - health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act LXXX of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65 000 (cca. 180 EUR) a year/person. Call for applications: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/uploads/2020/03/BA_MA_OTM_Call_for_Applications_2022_2023_final.pdf Doctoral programmes • Tuition-free education - exemption from the payment of tuition fee • Monthly stipend - doctoral level: according to the current Hungarian legislation, the monthly amount of scholarship is HUF 140,000 (cca EUR 390 for the first phase of education (4 semesters) and HUF 180,000 (cca EUR 500) for the second phase (4 semesters) - for 12 months a year, until completion of studies. • Accommodation contribution - free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000/month to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period (Please note that if the student does not live in the dormitory, then the HUF 40,000/month is a contribution to that rental costs, and in bigger cities - especially in the capital city - this contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.) • Medical insurance - health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act LXXX of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65 000 (cca. 180 EUR) a year/person Call for applications: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/uploads/2020/03/PhD_Call_for_Applications_2022_2023_final.pdf Scholarship Duration Duration of candidate's chosen program: • Bachelor programmes: Fulltime: 2-4 years. • Master programmes: Fulltime: 1.5-2 years. • One-tier master programmes: Fulltime: 5-6 years • Doctoral programmes: Fulltime: 2+2 years • Non-degree programmes: Preparatory course in Hungarian language: 1 year
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