
Жалпы билим берүү дисциплиналарынын коомдук илимдер

Social Sciences Department of General Education Disciplines

1. The history and the present activity of the department.

2. Professorial and teaching staff of the department.

3. Work direction of the department.

4. Scientific activity of the department.

5. Scientific interests of lecturers of the department.

6. Educational and methodological activities of the department.

7. Activities with students besides education.

8. Head of Department.

9. Close relation of Social Sciences Department of general education disciplines with other educational institutions.

The History of Social Sciences Department of General Education Disciplines

College of Law was established as “College of Finance and Law” based on the 26 September 2006 №8-07 protocol’s decision of the state inspection with obtaining №352 license according to the licensing and accreditation of the Ministry of Education and Science. With 2 February 2007 decision of OshSU’s Academic Council and 13 February 2007 order of the rector there were established Professional Education Disciplines and General Education Disciplines series. On 12 September 2009 with №472 order of the rector General Education Disciplines series were divided into two departments as “Humanitarian and Natural Sciences of the General Education Disciplines”.

On 21 September 2013 with №334 order of the rector Social Sciences Department of General Education Disciplines was established.