
Academic mobility
In accordance with the State program of education development in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2011-2020 years development of academic mobility as one of the principles of the Bologna Declaration is one of the defined target indicators.
International academic mobility of students is one of the priority directions of activity of the university, contributing to the improvement of the quality of education; improve the efficiency of scientific research, the establishment of internal and external integration ties, the implementation of the University′s mission.
International academic mobility of students is carried out in the framework of inter-university cooperation agreements, exchange, scholarship programs, international programs, memoranda in order to:
- Training program of student exchange;
- Probation (including language);
- Passing the research practices;
- Participation in the summer semester.
Students of the University have the right to educational, scientific traineeship in foreign universities.
Goals, objectives and general rules and realization of the academic mobility of students correspond to the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration.
Academic mobility of students of Osh State University carried out within the inter-institutional contracts / agreements or joint projects: a tripartite agreement / contract student, the sending and receiving institution for internal academic mobility, and an invitation for international academic mobility.
In order to coordinate the academic mobility of the university appointed coordinators in the whole university and faculties. The coordinator of academic mobility, or ECTS coordinator for the university, represented by the Department of International Relations (hereinafter - DIR), ensures compliance with ECTS principles and mechanisms, as well as coordinate and supervise the work of all departments of the University coordinator.
Coordinators of academic mobility and ECTS in the faculties appointed deputy deans for academic affairs. Coordination and monitoring of international academic mobility programs in Osh State University carries out on the basis of inter-university agreements, tripartite agreement on training and invitations to foreign educational institution. At the same partner university and its educational programs must be accredited in the country and listed in the Register of accredited educational organizations and accredited educational programs.