
International activities
Internationalization of higher education is now a key factor in the development of higher education institutions, which, in turn, should contribute to the formation of the person and the progress of society.
Kyrgyzstan - a country with a surprisingly beautiful scenery and kind people. The first and only parliamentary republic in Central Asia, which seeks long strides towards democracy.
For the purpose of integration of higher education in the international educational space, Kyrgyz Republic in 2012-2013 academic year joined the Bologna process. In accordance with the State program of education development in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2011-2020 years development of academic mobility as one of the principles of the Bologna Declaration is one of the defined target indicators.
Osh State University is considered to be the university with a rich history; it plays a huge role in the development of the human, intellectual and professional potential of the society. Osh State University today, dynamically developing and modernizing the university, using the world′s best, modern, innovative trends in the formation of our time.
Nowadays more than 28,000 students study in 72 specialties; more than 1,700 foreign nationals from 27 countries suggest that the Osh State University is a successful center of education export. Our main goal is to achieve global standards of education. To date, the university gets a new look, new shapes and infrastructure, as all academic buildings, departments, classrooms and laboratories, sports facilities have undergone quality, meaningful change.
This year we have set a goal to develop a model for the development of 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = QUALITY. The number of foreign students should not be less than 10% at the university (14.4% - today), not less than 10% of our students have enrolled in the program of academic mobility in the leading universities - partners of the world (currently 4%), not less than 10% the total number of faculty professors, scientists and teachers should be invited to foreign universities. At the same time, not less than 10% of our teachers have to undergo internship, improve their skills, share experiences in the leading universities of foreign countries.
It all started with the fact that we managed to achieve the creation of joint departments with the leading universities of the world. With the University of Ankara, Turkey in 1993 opened a Faculty of Theology, which is now a leading faculty at the University, has reached the highest level of development. Together with the University of Portland, USA formed the Faculty of Business and Management, which in 2012 got one of the first independent European accreditation. In 2013, with the Chinese partners, universities opened Confucius Institute. Together with the development of the University of the West and the East have formed a new learning model. With the support of EU projects, USAID, Turkey and China have managed to get more than 200 million soms of investments aimed at updating the model training.