
Educational and Methodological Council

is a permanent collegial working body as part of the Educational and Methodological Council of Osh State University. Which is organized and operates under the Academic Council of the faculty in order to study, generalize, analyze and disseminate the experience of the international medical faculty of Osh State University and other specialized universities in improving and optimizing educational and methodological work that provides training of highly qualified specialists in the international labor market.

The main task of the EMC is to determine the priority areas for all types of methodological work, as well as to coordinate, generalize and disseminate the positive experience of the methodological work of faculties and departments.

Since 2019, the activities of the EMC IMF have been regulated by a new regulation developed as part of the reorganization of the work of the Council and approved by the Academic Council of the IMF on October 10, 2019. The regulation establishes the procedure for the work of the EMC, taking into account the modern requirements of the tiered education system and the State Educational Standard.