
Жалпы билим берүү дисциплиналарынын табият таануу

The history of the Department of Natural scientific disciplines

In accordance with the decision of the State Inspectorate for the license and accreditation at the Ministry of Education and Science (Minutes № 8-07 dated September 26, 2006), financial and law school received a license № 352.
Based on the decision of the Academic Council of the Osh State University (protocol number 6 on February 2, 2007) and Rectors order (order number 40 of 13 February 2007) was opened department of professional and scientific disciplines.
Rectors order (№77, dated February 6, 2004) Department of professional and scientific disciplines was divided into 2 Department:
1. The Department of Natural scientific disciplines.
2. Department of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology.
At the Department of Natural scientific disciplines work 1 professor -Turdubaeva GT, 1 associate professor Sadykov GA, 1 tbsp. Ven. -Satybaldiev D., 2 teachers - Kambar kyzy Zhypar, Kaparova G. Utvezhdeny topics of scientific papers Satybaldiyeva D. Kambar kyzy Zhypar and Kaparova G., for the time they work on their academic work.
Teachers of the department have been published textbooks 8, 9 textbooks, 13 manuals, 5 programs, about 200 scientific and methodological articles.
In order to develop industrial and scientific experience of the chair has a connection Universities such as Jalalabat State University, BatGU, OGPI, OshTU, KNU, BSU, with the Academy of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc. The faculty of the department of natural sciences general disciplines involved in all socio-cultural and educational activities, not only the college but also the University.