
The Faculty of International Relations of Osh State University is holding the International scientific-practical conference

The Faculty of International Relations of Osh State University is holding the International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of International Relations, Humanitarian and Natural Sciences in Central Asia: current state and perspectives”

dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Osh State University and

70th anniversary of Professor Nurdinova K.H.

Conference will be held on May 20, 2019 at Osh State University.

Scientific conference will be held in the following fields:

1. Humanitarian Sciences

2. Economics and Social Sciences

3. Natural Sciences

Working languages are Kyrgyz, Russian and English.

How to participate in the conference Send the electronic version of article and information about the author (authors):

1. Full name

2. Academic degree, academic title.

3. Work place, position

4. Title of scientific article

5. Mail and e-mail addresses, telephone number

Article formatting requirements:

Volume should be no less than 5 pages, printed in Microsoft Word: margins: right and left – 2,5 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, font size- 14, Tamga-Kit (for articles in Kyrgyz), Times New Roman (for articles in English and Russian), line spacing- 1,5.

UDC is on the top left, on the right next line – authors’ last names and initials, work places, e-mail addresses. Next line- title of article. (Title of article and information about the author should be in Kyrgyz, Russian and English)

Annotation and key words should be in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, annotation should not exceed 600 symbols, key words from 6 to 9 words. References should be written in the text, cited in square brackets.

The list of used literature should be at the end in alphabetical order.

More detailed information about the author (authors) should be given on a separate sheet (for students: course, group name, faculty, university, full name of scientific supervisor, telephone number)

Articles will be published in the scientific journal of university “Vestnic of OSU”

Articles will be accepted before April 20, 2019 to the following address: Osh city, 33 Masaliev Avenue, room # 304, Telephone number : (+996) 55 047 847, (+ 996) 778 708 508;

(+996)778 736 030

E-mail: 2000FIR@mail.ru

3230 11:42 27-02-2019



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