Методическая работа


Online meeting (acquaintance)with ENU teaching staff

On September 2, 2022, the leadership of ENU and RFF held an online meeting (acquaintance) with students of the RLE(b)-1-22 group and ENU teaching staff on the issues of the educational process for 2022-23 academic year.

Round table

September 28, 2022. manager of the program "Philological education" docent Madaminova D.B. and students of the RLE (b)-1-22 group took part in the round table "Country Studies and regional studies of Russia: Methodological aspect.", organized by the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of AltSU


On October 19-20, 2022, docent Madaminova D.B. took part in the seminar "Licensing of educational activities of the Kyrgyz Republic", organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic

Ch.T. Aitmatov

Students of the RLE(b)-1-22 group prepared a speech for the anniversary of Ch.T. Aitmatov

Link to the video

Club "Let′s talk in Kazakh!"

For 1st year students studying under the double diploma program in the specialty "Russian language and literature", classes of the club "Let′s talk in Kazakh!" have begun. The purpose of the club is to create conditions for students′ fluency in the Kazakh language as foreign students and their everyday use in everyday life; - contribute to the replenishment of vocabulary and the assimilation of new words; - attention to the presence of language presence in the everyday environment; - creating conditions for a free understanding of lexical and grammatical topics; - promoting the development of Kazakh speech and writing culture among students. Expected results: - Students can hone their language skills while maintaining friendly relations; - develops Kazakh speech in various situations; - videos and multimedia program, special language exercises allow you to freely express your thoughts and communicate; - during the daily communication, he will get acquainted in more detail with information about the culture and history, literature and traditions of the Kazakh people. -adapts to the language environment through special lexical and grammatical tasks and role-playing games.

Students of the RLE(b)-1-22 group completed a course in pedagogy and psychology in the amount of 12 hours and received a certificate

Professional development

Manager of the Double degree program, docent, Madaminova D.B. from January 27 to January 28, 2023 took part and received a certificate in a seminar on sustainable development in higher education

From March 15 to 18, 2023,manager of the program, dosent, Madaminova D. B. took part in the seminar on andragogy.


From April 6 to April 8, 2023, the discussion and approval by the members of the commission of the RFF SOOP (magistracy of DDP-ENU) took place

Development and approval of the SRUP (magistracy of DDP-ENU)

From April 3 to April 6, the SRUP (magistracy of DDP-ENU) for the 2023-24 academic year was developed and approved.