Faculty Women's Council

Goals, duties and functions of the Women′s Council.

Education and upbringing among female students is always in the spotlight as a strategic issue at the Faculty of B&M. Because education is a means of transferring socio-historical experience, culture, spiritual and moral traditions accumulated by mankind, nation, society. Only thanks to the great-power educational mechanism that implements the transition process in society, society will be preserved as a society and will move forward and develop towards the future. Education is a systematic activity aimed at shaping the moral qualities of a person in accordance with the goals and needs of society.

Purpose of the Women′s Council:

Together with noble women in society, in the process of globalization, we will preserve the generation of national values, carry the indomitable spirit of our ancestors, raise girls of high morality, who are impressed by the great virtues of the elders, the jaded wise words of the elders, and help to save our face in accordance with our mentality. Striving for high standards and ideals, translating them into reality, putting them into practice will be the main goal and main task of the educational activities of the Women′s Council.

Responsibilities of the Women′s Council:

  • Serve as a beacon for educational work, which is a pillar for the development of our country and educational institution;
  • Education of girls on the basis of national moral values;
  • Develop and adopt an educational strategy and concept based on national values, national spiritual, moral and religious values and universal moral treasures, and implement a long-term educational program and a set of practical measures based on it.
  • Functions of the Women′s Council:

    1. To intensify the activities of the Women′s Council at the Faculty of B&M;

    2. Organize "Hours of Trust" for girls so that they can apply widely at any time;

    3. Cooperation with doctors and gynecologists on health and hygiene issues;

    4. Work with cosmetologists and stylists to form the secrets of beauty and culture of dressing;

    5. Close cooperation with the media: organization of debates, discussions, talk shows;

    6. Support the initiative of the faculty in all directions and contribute to its growth and development.