Мустапакулова Чолпон Абакуловна

Mustapakulova Cholpon Abakulovna

Contact details Mobile                                  phone: +996 779 707030

                                                                         work phone:+996 3222 75583,

                                                                         e-mail: 341196@mail.ru          

Address of residence                                      Kyrgyz Republic,

                                                                          Osh city, md. Tyuleiken 11/12

Date of birth                                                    11/18/1987

Family status:                                                   Married

Citizenship                                                        Kyrgyz Republic


2014-2016                                                           Osh State University (master′s degree)

2005-2010                                                           Osh State University

Scientific and pedagogical activity

2017-present                                                        Lecturer in the Department of Algebra and    Geometry, Osh State University

2010-2017                                                            Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Algebra and Geometry, Osh State University

Advanced training: (internships, seminars, conferences)

01/10/18-02/05/18 "Pedagogy zhana psychology subject boyuncha bilimin өrkүndotutu" (96 saattyk kөlөmdөguү) License No. LE 150001017 Kattoo No. 15/0227