The research work of the department
Орусчага график открытых уроков 2023-2024


Методический план работы (шилтеме)

* Schedule of open lessons for the 2022-2023 academic year

SInformation about qualification improvement until 2021-2023


Methodical work:

· Providing the educational process with software and information, methodological support for the disciplines approved by the SСС.

· Preparation of teaching aids, manuals, developments and other methodological materials;

· Development of individual curricula, methodological and scientific developments of teaching staff and receiving reports on their implementation;

· Organization and promotion the use of innovative methods, modern technical means in the educational process;

· Organization of scientific and methodological seminars in the SCC;

· Methodological assistance, advice and assistance in improving pedagogical skills for novice teachers;

· Organization and implementation of teaching shifts in the SCC;