Научно-исследовательская деятельность

Research activities

of the 531600 program - "Regional Studies" Master′s degree

The basic scientific direction of the program is foreign regional studies: integration processes in East Asia: socio-political aspect. In the context of the formation of a unified world order, interest in the regions, especially taking into account the pace of development of East Asian countries, has increased significantly. This understanding of global development makes scientific research in the field of foreign regional studies relevant.

The program has a system for planning research work. A research plan of the program is drawn up and approved annually, which reflects the main directions of scientific work for the coming period.

The organization of scientific work on the program is conducted in two directions:

- organization of the research work of the teachers of the program;

- organization of scientific activities of undergraduates.

The scientific activity of the program is conducted on the topic: "Regional aspects of socio-economic and political development of the countries of the world".

Research work within the framework of this topic includes:

- holding a scientific conference, with the publication of a collection of abstracts;

- preparation and publication of textbooks, manuals and monographs;

- preparation and publication of scientific articles in indexed scientific journals and collections;

- participation of teachers in scientific seminars and conferences held by Osh State University, leading universities and scientific institutions of Kyrgyzstan and foreign countries;

-participation of undergraduates in university, regional and international scientific conferences, competitions and Olympiads.

- management of master′s theses of graduate masters.

Teachers of the 531600 - "Regional Studies" Master′s degree program participate in various national and international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, and symposiums. The results of the scientific work of the teachers of the program are published in indexed scientific journals and collections.

The program participates in the implementation of state programs based on targeted projects and developments funded from the republican budget. In 2021, the program successfully implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyz Republic, project on the topic: "The processes of self-identification in the daily life of the religious community of Kyrgyzstan: mechanisms, principles and methods." Project leader Ph.D., Associate Professor Sulaimanov Zh.M. Project participants Ph.D., Associate Professor Akmatova D.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Sultanova K.Zh.

The purpose of the study is to show how the religious community understands the basics of religion in the existing social reality, everyday life realities, in various everyday situations where religion is perceived as a given, beyond doubt.

The program manages the master′s theses of graduate magistrates. The topics of master′s theses are determined and approved in accordance with the scientific direction of the program.