
About project
About the project The creation and development of a network of Confucius Institutes is one of the most significant educational, cultural and educational projects on a global scale at the beginning of the 21st century. It is aimed at the consistent implementation of the policy of openness and harmonization of interstate and international relations, in which the cultural component is of particular importance. The project was developed following the example of the already existing Cervantes Institute (Spain) and Goethe Institute (Germany) by the Chancellery of the State Department of the PRC (Hanban). This is an institution at the level of the central government of the PRC, established in 1987 and carrying out activities to promote the spread of the Chinese language and the best achievements of traditional Chinese culture in the world. The project is named after Confucius (孔子) (551 - 479 BC) - an ancient Chinese thinker, philosopher and teacher who created a social and ethical doctrine about the close relationship between raising an ideal person and creating a harmonious state. The decisive role in this doctrine is played by the conceptual position on the importance of developing high moral qualities and culture in each member of society, which is necessary for the formation of a virtuous and humane person. The Confucius Institute project aims to promote the cultural progress of mankind. It opens up for all the peoples of the world the opportunity to learn the language and the achievements of one of the most ancient civilizations of our planet - Chinese, on the basis of modern educational and educational practices and information technologies. The study of the Chinese language and culture has not only educational, but also historical, cultural and scientific significance for the whole world. And since this process is inextricably linked with inter-civilizational contacts, then, ultimately, it will contribute to the development of friendly relations between China and other countries, which will have a beneficial effect on improving international relations, both in Central Asia and around the world. The Confucius Institute project should raise the level of knowledge of the Chinese language and the achievements of Chinese culture in the world through the implementation of educational programs in various fields of humanitarian knowledge and the implementation of cultural and educational activities. The objectives of the project are: (1) popularizing the teaching of Chinese to people of the whole of life; (2) training and education of Chinese teachers, providing materials for teaching Chinese; (3) conducting Chinese language examinations and confirming the qualifications of Chinese teachers; (4) providing consulting information about education, culture, economy, society of China, etc.; (5) the development of modern China studies. The main form of implementation of the educational project is the creation of Confucius Institutes at higher educational institutions located outside of China. These institutions are non-profit organizations. They are created under the general supervision of the Chancellery of the State Department of the PRC (Hanban), the head office of the Confucius Institutes and with the participation of higher educational institutions of the PRC. The first Confucius Institute was opened in November 2004 in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Then similar cultural and educational centers began to appear in the universities of the USA, France, Italy, Finland, Canada, Russia. At the end of 2010, the total number of Confucius Institutes reached 322, as well as 369 Confucius Classrooms. Among them, there are those that were opened on the basis of our higher educational institutions.