Branch history
                  History of the Department
By order of the Rector of OSH State University dated 28.08.2018, the Department of English was established at the Faculty of World Languages and Cultures. At that time, the department had 15 teachers in both specialties: English in primary school and translation. In the academic year 2020-21, the college became a separate structural unit and was transformed into a college of international educational programs, and the department was renamed the Department of Foreign Language. The department has one subject-cycle commission (PCC) – methods of teaching English. The department trains teachers of English in elementary school. Currently, the department is headed by G.A. Rakhimbayeva (No.2331-FHD.01.09.2018), ped. experience -38 years. The work of the department is based on the annual plan, educational, methodical, upbrining plans. Head of the department monitors the educational process, checks the conduct of classes and mutual attendance of classes. The head of the department takes an active part in all types of work of both university and the directorate. The chairman of the PCC is Chubak Bayyshovich Nishanov.