Cultural - educational, career guidance and social activities of the SCC
Cultural, educational and social activities of the cycle are carried out by each member of the department and curators on the basis of planned and ongoing events. Teachers of the department are actively involved in organizing and conducting various cultural, educational and social events at the level of colleges, universities and cities they participate in. The cycle of Russian language and Literature held a literary evening dedicated to the work of A.N.Ostrovsky. The purpose of this evening:activation of creative and spiritual potential of students. A play based on the playwright′s play "Thunderstorm" was staged. Also, college students told monologues from different plays. The students showed their creative talents at the highest level On December 12, for the birthday of Ch.T.Aitmatov, events were organized in two colleges by teachers of the cycle The teacher of the cycle Atazhanova N.A. held a literary evening at the medical college on the topic: "Russian language and pharmacy". The teacher of the Russian language and literature cycle B. S. Dovlatova received a Certificate of Honor at the award ceremony of the Rector′s office on 11/09/2023 The teachers of the cycle took part in a festive event organized by the rector′s Office in honor of Teacher′s Day At the volleyball tournament among OSH State University teachers, the teacher of the Kokchaev cycle received the nomination "Best Fan" On the instructions of the rector′s office, the cycle teachers held an event dedicated to the birthday of Ch.T.Aitmatov. Cycle teacher Kokchaev Kanat took part in the Sanarip Mugalim project in Bishkek New Year′s Eve at CMOP