Methodological work of the SCC
Educational and methodical works of the cycle The results of the research and methodological work of the members of the department, open lessons and mutual participation of the members of the department in classes are the purpose of discussion at the scientific and methodological seminar organized by the department. The organization and reception of independent work of students is carried out in various forms in accordance with the module-rating system practiced at the department. Assessment and monitoring of the quality of education can include organizational work, HSK, HSK preparation courses and extracurricular training, etc.B.Admission in forms is successfully used. Modules in all disciplines of the section – Control work, testing, presentation, course project and individual assignments - are accepted in the form of control works, tests, presentations, course projects and individual assignments and are completed at the end of each half-year, and the relevant materials are planned to be stored in the department. All teachers of the department use the latest innovative modern teaching technologies (programmed learning, integrated learning, computer training, critical thinking and writing, etc.).b.) are widely used in the learning process. In order to popularize the methods, open classes are held and mutual visits to classes are held. Abduraimov Akbolush held an open lesson at the college of the FUK D.A. Tаshmatova held an open lesson at a medical college Nishanova Zh.A. held an open lesson in college STEM Azibayeva F.A. held an open lesson in college STEM Atajanova N.A. held a demonstration lesson for young teachers of the cycle On December 15, there was a check on the state of the UMK Cycle teachers have improved their qualifications The teacher of the cycle Bekmurzayeva A.K. held an open lesson at the STEAM college. R. Ibragimova held an educational and methodological seminar for teachers of the cycle. Teacher of the cycle of Russian language and literature, Chairman of the Methodological Council of the College:Nuralieva N.N. held a seminar on UMK for young teachers. The teacher of the cycle Tashmatova G.T. held an open lesson in CIEP. The teacher of the cycle Nuralieva N.N. held an open lesson in literature. Zhaparova G.K. held a methodological seminar for teachers of the cycle The teacher of the cycle Azibayeva F.A. participated in the event "STEM innovations" at the Aga Khan school. Fragments of an open lesson by Turgunbayeva G.S. on the Russian language on the topic:The mood of the verb. Fragments of an open lesson by Raimberdieva Ch.S. on the Russian language on the topic:Named sentences. An open lesson in the medical college of the teacher Akhmatova D.S. Seminar of Kainazarova A.P. The teachers of the cycle took part in a seminar organized by the educational and methodological council of the college. According to the approved plan of open hours, the teacher of the cycle Akmatova Dilbar conducted an open lesson at the medical college. On October 31, the cycle teacher Azhibayeva Fazira held an open lesson at the college WITH THE. On December 15, Bekmurzayeva A.K. held an open lesson in CMOS on the topic: Adverb. On December 29, Atazhanova N.A. held an open lesson at the medical college on the topic:The main members of the proposal. On December 29, Atazhanova N.A. held an open lesson at the medical college on the topic:The main members of the proposal. At 06.12.23, Ziyaddin kyzy Aydanек held an open lesson on the topic:Dialogical speech. 08.12.23 the teacher of the cycle B.S.Dovlatova held an open lesson At 12/30/23, the teachers of the cycle held methodological seminars On December 19, A. Dzhoroeva held an open lesson . The teacher of the Ibragimova cycle, Rokhatoy, held an open lesson at the college of the FUK.